Hupps from Shenandoah Valley

Hupps from the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
after the American Revolution

This book has been sold out since 1988.  I am making it available online as pasted Word documents.  The original book was a series of text files, and I have reconstructed them as Word documents, but without the pictures, maps, or drawings (which were taped onto the original printouts).  I also was not able to find the Index files (sorry--I know a genealogy book is not much good without an index, but in Word, you can search for a name [<Ctrl> F, and don't put last names first]. 


Section A - Balser Hupp of New Market (20 pages)

Section B - Abraham Hupp/Barbara Hupp Harshberger - children of Balser Hupp (76 pages)

Section C - John Hupp/Anna Hupp/Abraham Hupp of Salem, VA/The Hupmobile (14 pages)

Section D - Emanuel Hupp - son of Balser Hupp (22 pages)

Section E - Balser Hupp, Jr. (46 pages)

Section F - Isaac Hupp - son of Balser Hupp (8 pages)

Section G - Lost Families: Benjamin Hupp, Jacob Hupp, Samuel Hupp, Martin  Hupp
                                         sons of Balser Hupp (9 pages)

Section H - Peter Hupp/ Casper Hupp (14 pages)

Section I - Samuel R. Hupp and Other Hupp Families (20 pages)
Note - I have some families mis-connected in this section.  On page H-17&18, the family of John Hupp and Mary --- belong under Samuel Hupp on H-8.  On I-18, Edward belongs to Philip Hupp of Halifax County, VA, in section SV in the book Other Hupps.  And I strongly suspect that James Hupp on the same page does not belong to John & Catherine's family, although he should remain in this section until I know better. 

You can copy and paste the section pages into Word, or print it directly. 
The book was originally for $22.00.  If you print out the whole book, I'll ask you to send a check for $20.00 (or portion of it if you print just part of it).  Don't send anything if you print less than 20 pages, and not if you just read from the web page. 

Send checks to:
Timothy A. Hupp
3723 Brown Mountain Lane
Elkton, VA  22827

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